I hope you are having a good week! Even as I write that I am aware that our concept of God drastically affects our perception of our situation. When life’s circumstances are hard; when our finances don’t seem to quite be enough; when we and others are hurting we need to acknowledge those facts. However,…
All of us have resisted pressure to conform. Even amongst followers of Jesus, people tell us we should do things for many reasons. Have you ever said, “But that’s not me. I’m not like that.” There are many times we should resist pressure to conform. And when we are told we “should” do something it…
Today we continue our series where we are looking at the question, “Who is God?” The answer to this question has endless ramifications. We should not approach it as if we are looking to define God so we can have a nice, neat, end all description of Him. That won’t happen! Any phrase we come…
Today we begin a new series where we look at who God is. Is our concept of God growing every day? More importantly, is our relationship with Him dynamic and life giving? God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Hebrews 13:8. Yet because He is infinite there is always more about Him, His character,…
Today we move forward just a few days from when Jesus was in the Garden. He has been crucified and on the 3rd day comes back to life. In Matthew 28:1 it says, “. . .Mary Magdalene and the other Mary same to see the tomb.” Jumping forward in verses 2-6 we read, “. ….
This week we jump from the beginning to the end of Jesus ministry here on earth. As we follow the Gospels we see Jesus pouring Himself into others. He sees the outcasts, the broken, the sick, the marginalized and He shows them dignity, respect, and value. He came as a humble servant, giving Himself to…
In today’s episode we jump forward from shortly after Jesus was born to right before Jesus starts His public ministry. In Matthew 3 and 4 we read about two interesting events that happen back to back. The first is the baptism of Jesus where the Father declares Jesus to be His Son and affirms His…
Hopefully you took time to celebrate the birth of Jesus just over a week ago. It’s hard to imagine all the emotions and thoughts that Mary and Joseph had as Jesus was born into this broken world. How would they be able to parent the Son of God? Without God’s help, it would have been…
As we look at the Christmas story the time has come for Mary to give birth! In Luke 2:6-7 we read, “So it was, while they were there (in Bethlehem for the census) the days were completed for her to be delivered. And she brought forth her firstborn Son, and wrapped Him in swaddling cloths,…
Today we look at Joseph’s side of the Christmas story! Can you imagine the emotions he must have gone through? We know that Joseph was betrothed to Mary. At some point he finds out she is pregnant. We don’t know how, but one might hope that Mary told him. And if she did, can you…