Hopefully you took time to celebrate the birth of Jesus just over a week ago. It’s hard to imagine all the emotions and thoughts that Mary and Joseph had as Jesus was born into this broken world. How would they be able to parent the Son of God? Without God’s help, it would have been…
As we look at the Christmas story the time has come for Mary to give birth! In Luke 2:6-7 we read, “So it was, while they were there (in Bethlehem for the census) the days were completed for her to be delivered. And she brought forth her firstborn Son, and wrapped Him in swaddling cloths,…
Today we look at Joseph’s side of the Christmas story! Can you imagine the emotions he must have gone through? We know that Joseph was betrothed to Mary. At some point he finds out she is pregnant. We don’t know how, but one might hope that Mary told him. And if she did, can you…
Last week we looked at the story in the Gospel of Luke where the angel Gabriel appears to Zachariah when he is burning incense in the temple. Today, we find the same angel, Gabriel, showing up six months later in Nazareth, about 80 miles or more to the north. This time he appears to a…
Over the next five weeks we are going to look at a series of angelic encounters that people had around the time of Jesus’ birth. With each one we will share a passage from Matthew or Luke where you can read the full story. This week we are looking at Luke 1:5-25, 39-56. Have you…
Thanksgiving or gratefulness is a key measure of humility in our lives. What we enjoy and experience in this life are because God and others have done things for us. None of us would have survived the first few years of life if it wasn’t for others who took care of us! I Thessalonians 5:16-18…
Today we look at a discipleship lifestyle that centers around the acronym RIO. Rio is the Spanish word for river. Have you ever tried to go white water rafting upstream? We both know it is hard enough to stay in the boat and make it through the rapids of life while going downstream. We will…
This week we are wrapping up our series on the finished work of Jesus titled, “It is Finished.” We have taken time to realize that many of us who know we were saved by grace through faith are living in ways that show we still depend on the law to justify us in more ways…
This week we take a look at the concept of worthiness. Are we worthy? If so, how? We have been looking at Jesus’s statement, “It is finished.” He fulfilled all the righteous requirements of the law. Right now, in our lives, what does that look like for you and me? We were saved by grace…