Today we jump into a new series where I have the privilege of sitting down with a number of men and hearing their Jesus stories.
The Bible says that one of the ways we overcome is “by the word of our testimony.” The name of Jesus is powerful. Our Jesus stories are powerful!
Today and in the weeks ahead we ask men to answer 3 simple questions.
- What was life like before Jesus?
- When and how did you encounter Jesus?
- What is life like with Jesus?
Then we have a 2nd conversation with each man and ask, “How has Jesus impacted your marriage and/or your parenting?”
Today we get to hear Shaun’s story. His story involves the pain of losing his mom while he was young and falling in love with a young lady who loved Jesus when he didn’t.
Please watch the video and be encouraged by what Jesus has done in Shaun’s life. Then tell your Jesus story to someone today.
Start with someone who already knows Jesus. It’s a great way to grow your confidence! You will both be blessed.