This week it is a joy to have David Ham join us once again. I asked him to share more about our identity in Christ. Where does our identity come from?
David encourages us to think about Adam and Eve in the garden when everything was perfect. What did their identity look like? What did it come from? David submits to us, “Their identity was rooted in their relationship with Yahweh. They walked together in the garden.”
Unfortunately satan was able to get Adam and Eve to distrust God’s heart towards them. And ever since then, Abba Father has always been trying to connect relationally with His children.
If you have children, think about them and their identity. Our children are our sons and daughters. They are our DNA. No matter what they do with their life. They still carry our DNA. Their identity comes through us. David says, “If my son gets off the beaten path, if he gets into pornography like I did, it does not change his identity. He is my son.” We see this in the beautiful story of the prodigal son who comes home. The father puts a robe on his back and a ring on his finger, symbols of the family heritage and identity.
Today we often use the words identity and selfish desires as if they are synonymous. We choose to align with our selfish desires instead of our relationship with God.
We must speak truth to the heart. We must encourage each other in our identities. We were created in the image of God. Then when we were born again, we were re-created in the image of God.
Our identity doesn’t come from what I do, good or bad. It comes from God and His word says that nothing will ever separate us from His love. Our identity belongs to Unconditional Love. Let’s join David as he says, “I just want to nestle into that.”
This week nestle in, snuggle up to Father God. He loves you and is for you. Rest in that truth and proclaim it out loud.