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*This week’s blog is only in a written format.*

Today we jump into Psalm 63.  When David wrote this Psalm he was in a physical wilderness.  He was in a “dry and thirsty land.”  He uses this as a metaphor for the longing of his soul.  In the second half of verse 1 David says, “My soul thirsts for You; My flesh longs for You in a dry and thirsty land where there is no water.”

We have lived in an “arid mountain desert” on the southwest side of Salt Lake City for the last 18 months.  I am amazed at how quickly things dry up in the spring after the winter snows melt.  I have had to be very intentional about staying hydrated in this climate.  And that is how we should be in our pursuit of God.  Have we planned our daily “walk” well so we stay along the stream or river where water is always available?  Do we know where the next lake or well is?

More importantly, are we actively carrying His presence?  In John 7:37 and 38 Jesus said, “If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink.  He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.”  When we abide in Jesus, we recognize our primary source of refreshing is Jesus, alive and flowing in AND out of us!

As we continue in Psalm 63:3 David declares God’s “lovingkindness is better than life.”  He has found His satisfaction in Jesus.  Have you?  Do you find it in Him on a daily basis?

David goes on to say, “My soul follows close behind You.”  Are you hot on Jesus trail?  Do you walk where He walks, step where He steps?

In 2017 I had the joy of having my second oldest son go with me to the Cimarron Mountains of New Mexico.  I had decided to re-visit a couple places I had been in the days and months around the time I had surrendered my life to Jesus!  While there, we did a hike on what I believe was the Clear Creek Trail just below Eagle’s Nest.

On the way down the mountain I felt impressed to “follow close behind” my son Drew.  The Lord wanted to make this verse personal.  I did my best to imitate Drew’s every move – to step where he stepped, to jump where He jumped, and to match his stride and his gait.  I still remember that vividly.

This week I encourage you/your soul to “follow close behind Jesus” – to be aware of His presence and do your best to do what He is doing.  Have fun!

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Bob Swank

About 15 years ago our heavenly Father began encouraging me in my role as His son and out of that in my role as a father, both biologically and spiritually. Through multiple encounters on my journey God has revealed His heart as my Father and affirmed my sonship in Him. Out of this has come His call to fully embrace who He has created me to be as a father and to share that with others.

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