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We are in our 2nd week discussing all that was accomplished when Jesus said, “It is finished.” And then died on the cross.  We need to be reminded every day of our lives that we are not under the Law of the scripture.  God wants our life to flow from a place of abiding.

Romans 3:19-21 says, “. . .the righteousness of God apart from the law is revealed, being witnessed by the law and the prophets.”  The law is actually there to show us that our righteousness doesn’t come from the law.  The law points us to Jesus.  The prophets are also there to point us to Jesus.

Gal. 3:1-14 tells us our justification is by faith.  We walked into our love relationship with Jesus by faith.  We walk in the gifts of the Spirit by faith.

In Genesis in the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve had responsibility and work to do.  Before sin, they “tended” the Garden.  But after sin, there was a curse that was pronounced on man and on woman.  Man had to “toil” to make the ground produce.  The same word in Hebrew is used for the curse on the woman when it says in childbirth she shall have great pain or “toil”.

Gal. 3:10 declares, “For as many as are of the works of the law are under the curse.”  That included you and me.  We were cursed because we couldn’t do everything that is in the law.  No one is justified by the law.  But the just shall live by faith.

Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law having become a curse for us.  (Gal. 3:13)  Jesus became a propitiation for us.  Propitiation comes from the same word as mercy seat.  Jesus became our mercy seat!

This week let’s ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to us where we are walking in a law-based lifestyle, where we are still trying to earn and gain favor with God.  Then let’s give that area to God and rest in His finished work!

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Bob Swank

About 15 years ago our heavenly Father began encouraging me in my role as His son and out of that in my role as a father, both biologically and spiritually. Through multiple encounters on my journey God has revealed His heart as my Father and affirmed my sonship in Him. Out of this has come His call to fully embrace who He has created me to be as a father and to share that with others.

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