This week we jump from the beginning to the end of Jesus ministry here on earth. As we follow the Gospels we see Jesus pouring Himself into others. He sees the outcasts, the broken, the sick, the marginalized and He shows them dignity, respect, and value. He came as a humble servant, giving Himself to people that the disciples would have overlooked.
The disciples, like you and me, were slow to really get the heart of Jesus message. Even in their last moments with Him, at the Last Supper, Jesus has to address a dispute among them about which one would be the greatest. (Luke 22:24) Later in this chapter we find Jesus in the Garden praying. He asks His disciples to pray as well. However, they succumb to being tired and sorrowful, and fall asleep.
Jesus is in great anguish. He knows that He will face great physical suffering. But I believe just as great was the emotional and spiritual weight of all the brokenness and sinfulness of humanity that was to be placed upon Him as well. As fully human, He must have been greatly disappointed in the attitudes and actions of those around Him, especially His disciples who were so close to Him.
In this moment of great anguish in the Garden Jesus cries out and says, “Father, if it is Your will, take this cup from Me, nevertheless, not My will but Yours be done.” And then it says, “Then an angel appeared to Him from heaven, strengthening Him.”
When have you been disappointed in others? Perhaps you have been betrayed. Maybe people you have poured into have been thankless and taken you for granted. Have you been left hanging as friends have walked away when you needed them the most?
Like always, we need to follow the example of Jesus. These are the times we need to pour out our souls to God. He listens. He understands. He is always with us. He will send angels to minister to us.
This week I encourage you to cry out to God. We all have need. Some days those needs are much heavier than others. But no matter how big or small the need is, humble yourself and recognize “apart from Him you can do nothing.” Believe God to fulfill His word that says, “Ask, and it shall be given.”
Thanks, Bob this hit true.