All of us have resisted pressure to conform. Even amongst followers of Jesus, people tell us we should do things for many reasons. Have you ever said, “But that’s not me. I’m not like that.”
There are many times we should resist pressure to conform. And when we are told we “should” do something it is good to ask ourselves why to determine if it is loving and healthy for us and others.
However, today, I want to address this statement, “But that’s not me. I’m not like that.” The question we all have to ask is, “Who defines us?” As followers of Jesus, we are submitted to God. He created us and defines us. And we are told in Romans 8:29 that we were created to “conform to the image of His Son.”
Secondly, He placed us in family, both our biological family and the Body of Christ. He ideally meant for both of these families to help define us in healthy ways. However, sometimes that is far from the case. When we get hurt or walk in fear we are tempted to withdraw or lash out. Both pain and pride tell us to define ourselves. But when we were born again we gave that right to Jesus and chose to identify with Him.
Please hear me, God has created each of us with a unique bent, tendencies, and strengths that He wants us to embrace and develop. But if we aren’t careful, these strengths and tendencies can become hindrances to discovering parts of who God is and who He wants us to be. We are His children, created in His image. So let’s press in to discover more of God and in the process we will discover more of who He created us to be.
The Bible says God laughs, sings, weeps, grieves, dances, shouts, whispers, forgives, disciplines, and gets angry but does not sin. He expresses His emotions in many ways. You and I were created in His image. We are His children. We were created to be like Him. Let’s not hide behind our definitions of who we are.
I celebrate your bent and your strengths today. But I also love you as my brother and sister and call you into being all God created you to be and expressing that in ways that may be outside your comfort zone.
I was almost 40 years old before I started to know how to express anger in healthy ways. I thought anger was a sin. It can be a very Godly response to all kinds of situations. And in some situations, it needs to be expressed with words and actions! The Bible says, “Be angry and sin not.” Does God get angry? Absolutely. Does He ever sin? No.
Someone reading this might say, “I’m just not expressive. I can’t dance and I won’t make a fool of myself.” Or, “I can’t sing.” Or “I’m just not a crier.” Let me encourage you. God dances over you. He sings over you. He weeps over you. He runs to you. He created us to respond in the same way towards Him!
Ask God to increase your hunger for a deep, healthy relationship with Him. Then press in. Tell Him, “I am Your child, created in Your image. I’m willing to express myself to You in the same ways You express yourself towards me.” Then go for it!