Today we press further into the life principle that value creates joyful obligation. What causes people like Jim Elliott to give up his life for the sake of the Gospel? What compelled Elizabeth Elliott to take the Gospel to her husband’s murderers? They both were gripped with the value of Jesus.
Things that are rich come with a price. Jesus invites us to count the cost and then lay down our lives. . .that’s what following Him as Lord is all about. Dallas Willard reminds us that when we count the cost rightly we will actually come up with joy. And if we don’t come up with joy we need to keep asking God for a revelation of His value. We won’t be successful as disciples of Jesus if we think there is anyone or anything more valuable than Him.
Ask God to see everything in life in light of Him. As the old hymn says, “Turn your eyes on Jesus, look full in His wonderful face, and the things of earth will go strangely dim, in the light of His glory and grace.” That’s the value of Jesus captivating us!
In this episode we will discuss:
- quotes from Jim and Elizabeth Elliott.
- counting the cost.
- the value and joy of following Jesus.
- being captivated by the love and value of Jesus.