Fathers embrace their goal of multi-generational impact.
“Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are the sons of one’s youth.”
It’s in the midst of relationship that we produce fruit and abiding relationships produce lasting fruit. Everything always starts with our relationship with our Father and flows from Him. In recent years God gave me a word picture for God’s divine flow when it comes to discipleship. The same principal applies to fathering. The word River in Spanish is RIO. This serves as our acronym and word picture to remember God’s kingdom flow and the flow of discipleship.
It all starts with our relationship with our Father, revealed in Jesus!
Our relationship with Him gives us our identity.
Our identity shapes our behavior.
The world and too often the church teach us to swim upstream against God’s divine flow.
Unfortunately, we have all learned that acceptance and belonging is based on our performance. But Father God starts with relationship. He gives love and acceptance based on His goodness, not on our performance. In God’s family obedience is meant to be a natural response from a child that is secure in the knowledge that she is a daughter who is loved on her good days and her bad days!
God’s river is only meant to flow one direction – so quit trying to swim upstream!
I personally want to invite you to join me on this journey. Jump in the river with me!