Thank you for joining me in the home stretch of our look at the book of Isaiah and how different portions have impacted me personally. This week we are taking a look at Isaiah 53-55. We all need to ponder Isaiah 53. I encourage you to read the whole chapter. It’s only 14 verses. Here…
My prayer for you is that you would have a greater hunger for God’s Word. . . that you would taste and see that the Lord is good. Today we continue a series where I share from my own story about passages in Isaiah. This week we are taking a look at Isaiah 43. Over…
God’s Word is powerful. Oh, that we would all hunger for the Word of God. Today we continue a series where I share from my own story about passages in Isaiah. This week we are taking a look at Isaiah 37-40. These chapters are about King Hezekiah and the kingdom of Judah. Hezekiah sees some…
Today we continue a series where I share from my own story about passages in Isaiah. This week we are taking a look at Isaiah 14. This passage talks about one of the archangels, Lucifer, who decides to rebel against God and becomes satan. We gain insights into this both from Isaiah 14 and Ezekiel…
Today I continue a series where I share from my own story about passages in Isaiah. This week we are taking a look at Isaiah 11. Here we see another prophetic passage about Jesus. It says, “There shall come forth a Rod from the stem of Jesse, And a Branch shall grow out of his…
Today I continue a series where I share from my own story about passages in Isaiah that have been a part of me staying rooted in Jesus. Each of the passages we are looking at has impacted me in a personal way. This week we are taking a look at Isaiah 9. This chapter is…
We have been in transition. We moved to Utah at the beginning of the year. As followers of Jesus one of the most important things in seasons of transition is staying rooted in Him. Circumstances change, rhythms change, relationships change, but Jesus is constant. Today I begin a series where I share from my own…
Kwan Porter and I continue our conversation on identity by taking another look at a story about two sons and their loving father in Luke 15:11-32. Today Kwan and I look at the older son in the story. He chooses to stay home, but in his heart he is just as far from his father…
Just like we are having a conversation here every week we encourage you to grab some friends and have conversations about Jesus. Many times it is as we are talking about Jesus that we begin to see Him in our midst, just like those on the Emmaus road did. Today Kwan Porter and I continue…