Todd and I continue our conversation about digging around our spiritual roots. In 2015 God challenged me to apply that word in my own life. Last week we talked about how Todd and I both encountered the work of the Holy Spirit early in our walk with Jesus. If you have questions about the work…
This week Todd and I look at the concept of digging around our spiritual roots. Jesus tells a story in the Gospels about a man who had a fig tree planted in his vineyard. However, it wasn’t producing fruit and he wanted to cut it down. But the keeper of the vineyard said, “Let me…
This week Todd continues the conversation with me about the value of relationships. We see the power and priority of relationships in scripture. Jonathan and David were willing to lay down their lives for each other. Even Jesus needed others. He had John as a close friend, as well as James, Peter and the twelve. …
My good friend Todd Davis joins me this week as we continue the conversation I started with Steve Sizemore about how we need friends. Todd faithfully filmed episodes 1-45 and today he joins us in front of the camera. Proverbs 18:24 reminds us to show ourselves friendly, to take initiative in building relationships. Todd first…
Today we lean into the fact that we all need others to help us in our parenting journey. We (Steve and Bob) both had the privilege of being a part of a real dynamic spiritual community early in our parenting journeys. Most of our children’s peers and those who were a few years older than…
Today we address the issue of regret in our parenting. We can’t give into regret. We can’t go back. However, sometimes it is appropriate to ask our kids for forgiveness. As parents we give our whole heart to parenting and go for it. In the process we are going to make mistakes. We will fail…
We continue our conversation about engaging in spiritual warfare on behalf of our children and the next generation. One of the most powerful expressions of spiritual warfare is obedience. Every time we obey it is an act of spiritual warfare. We need to be confident when it comes to our authority as parents. It is…
Today we continue our conversation about spiritual warfare and parenting. Steve says, “We don’t need to be afraid of spiritual warfare. . .as far as making a mistake. . .Just do it! If anything is worth doing, it is worth doing poorly. . . and you will learn in the process. In addition, connect with…
Today we begin a conversation about how to stand firm and fight for our children and the next generation. Steve reminds us our children are born into a world at war. Satan hates children and it is important for us to accept the reality that no matter where we live there is a spiritual battle…