Today we continue our series by diving into Psalm 27. Verse 1a: The Lord is my light and my salvation, whom I shall I fear? I like to walk at night. . .sometimes I experience God’s peace, but sometimes it is a little eerie. But it only takes a little bit of light from my…
Today we continue our series by looking at Psalm 23, what is likely the most well known chapter in the Psalms. The Lord is our shepherd. I think it is easy to think that we only need a shepherd when things get tough. The truth is we need a good shepherd 24/7 365. He is…
Today we start a new series where we dive into the book of Psalms. Here we find songs written in all sorts of life’s circumstances and emotions – in times of joy, celebration, harvest, happiness and in times of loss, suffering, grief, while perplexed and in the midst of questions. These songs give expression to…
We are on week four of a series where we have been looking at the amazing concept that God, the Clean One, makes the unclean clean. And now as His ambassadors we get to do the same! Today, we look at I Peter 1:13, “Gird up the loins of your mind and rest your hope…
We are in the midst of a series where we have been looking at the amazing concept that God, the Clean One, makes the unclean clean. Today we jump into Psalm 51 where David cries out to God for mercy. David wrote this Psalm after he committed adultery with Bathsheba and had her husband Uriah…
Today we continue to look at how Jesus takes unclean things and makes them clean. Last week we talked about being clean dirt. This week we look at Peter’s vision in Acts 10 where he is told to eat things which had been declared unclean in the book of Leviticus. A voice tells Peter, “What…
Today we start a new series called “Clean” which picks up again in Genesis. In Chapter 2 it says God formed man out of the dust of the ground. At that time the dirt was clean dirt. Remember, God created everything and said it was good. It was healthy. It wasn’t under a curse. It…
We continue our conversation today about breathing. Jesus commanded us as branches to abide in Him, to rest in Him. But don’t just take a “nap” to get caught up. No, rest in Jesus to the point you walk in abundance and overflow. Today we want to take a fresh look at Exodus 31:17b where…
We are in the midst of a series called “Breathe” where we are taking time to do what God did and does. In Exodus in 31:17b it says that God rested and was refreshed. That word “refreshed” means to breathe. When Jesus fulfilled the law and said on the cross, “It is finished” He gave…