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E134: Psalm 1 – Are You Planted by Rivers?

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Today we start a new series where we dive into the book of Psalms.  Here we find songs written in all sorts of life’s circumstances and emotions – in times of joy, celebration, harvest, happiness and in times of loss, suffering, grief, while perplexed and in the midst of questions.  These songs give expression to…

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Breathe – Part 4 | Be Breathed Upon

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We continue our conversation today about breathing.  Jesus commanded us as branches to abide in Him, to rest in Him.  But don’t just take a “nap” to get caught up.  No, rest in Jesus to the point you walk in abundance and overflow. Today we want to take a fresh look at Exodus 31:17b where…

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E126 Breathe – Part 1 | Who Rests?

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We have been looking at Genesis 1 in a series called Foundations.  This segues into the series we are starting today called “Breathe.” In the beginning of Genesis 2 we see God creating man and woman from the dust of the ground.  I think it is significant that when God created man He got his…

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