Today Steve Sizemore is back with us as we begin to explore some keys as both parents and/or spiritual parents for turning our hearts to our children. Malachi 4:5-6 says, “Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord. And he will turn the…
Today Seth and I look at the last three months of John Chau’s life. Less than 90 days before John was martyred on North Sentinel Island he stayed in our home and was in Seth’s wedding. That was the last time Seth saw him in person. After that Seth was able to encourage him, text…
This week Seth and I continue our conversation about John Chau, a friend of Seth’s who was martyred on North Sentinel Island. We continue to ask the question, “What kind of person gives their life for Jesus?” From there we explore John’s heart and passions. Today we lean into two key aspects of John’s life…
In this episode, Bob and Seth share further about John Chau, a friend of Seth’s who was martyred on North Sentinel Island. They continue to ask the question, “What kind of person is willing to risk and give their life for the sake of Jesus?” Today you will hear stories from Seth about back country…
Last week we talked about courage and that courage comes from the heart. This week we continue to look at courage and I have the special privilege of having my oldest son, Seth, join me. Seth and I jump into a conversation about a young man who was a good friend of Seth’s named John…
I want to thank Steve for sharing with us from the depths of his heart over the first half of this year. If you followed us on this journey you have just received the core of what Steve pours into missionary trainees. Today Steve and I talk about courage. To be faithful day in and…
In this episode Bob and Steve share word pictures about the preparation that is involved in producing fruit. Contrary to popular belief we were not designed to produce fruit 24/7. Part of the preparation for producing fruit is plowing. God wants to plow up the fallow ground of our hearts so that our roots can…
Today Steve and Bob take us deeper into faithfulness in our walk with Jesus. Steve shares a story from when he was 18 and serving for a month at a Young Life Camp. One night after being a part of preparing and cleaning up a chicken barbeque meal for 400 campers he was the last…
Over the last several weeks Steve and Bob have discussed calling and serving. Today they dive into faithfulness. Faithfulness is connected to finding our place in kingdom service because God is calling faithful men and women. Jesus said, “He who is faithful in little will be faithful also in much.” And in Matthew 25 he…
Today Bob and Steve continue their conversation about the relationship between calling, ministry, and serving. Our core ministry is serving. Having a servant’s heart is not only critical to understanding the nature of the kingdom of God but it is also critical to greater responsibility in the kingdom. We are called to bear more fruit…